Oct 30, 2008

Technological Singularity - The Era for Thinking Machines?

Technological Singularity "The Thinking Machines"
The ability of machines to think itself more intelligent using Artifical Intelligence. The progress in computer hardware has followed an amazingly steady curve in the last few decades. Based on this trend creation greater than Human Intelligence will occur during the next thirty years which leads to
solving many problems thousands of times faster than human beings. Developments that before were thought this might only happen in a million years not but will happen in the next century.Dramatic changes in the rate of economic growth have occurred in the past because of some technological advancement, If the rise of superhuman intelligences causes a similar revolution, one would expect the economy to double at least quarterly and possibly on a weekly basis.

Economic Impacts:
Machines capable of performing most mental and physical tasks as well as humans would cause a rise in wages for the jobs at which humans still outperform. However, a sudden proliferation of humanlike machines would likely cause a net drop in wages, as humans compete with robots for jobs. Also, the wealth of the technological singularity may be concentrated in the hands of only a few. These wealthy few would be those who own the means of mass producing the intelligent robot workforce. On the other hand, everyone would benefit from radical price drops of most goods and services.

Potential Dangers:
Research says that it may simply eliminate the human race, and humans would be powerless to stop them. For ex. in an Automobile company nowadays the shop floor activities are only controlled by robots & monitored by human operators & Engineers to guide them, Technological Singularity leads to elimination of Engineers...

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